Let's picture this; When someone made (thought up) something like lets say a clock or a vase...if we would have a clock or vase like that and it would break or wouldn't work anymore...who better to go to then the creator and maker of the clock or vase, right? He, the maker and creator, would know right away what is wrong AND how to fix it so it would work according to how he made it to be.
Well, God is the Creator and we are His Creation, we as believers know what God has done in our lives and what He made (and is making) out of the "clocks and vases" we were when we came to Him. He knew what to do then and will always be there to help us to remain and stay "original" just the way He created us to be. All the other "clocks and vases" out there that do not have the revelation that God is their Maker need to know this truth also. They might not realize that there is a Maker, but He IS their Maker none the less. In the meantime they walk around broken, damaged, chipped, without important parts or have their "time" set wrong. The truth is that God alone can help put their parts together, He alone can set the time right, He alone will make them whole again, He alone can repaint and remold them. Too many people end up going to quacks for some repair, but they just get the wrong parts, the wrong materials applied and they still won't work the right way. Most of the time they seem to be repaired only to fall apart again at a later time. They are missing out on the experience of complete and utter restoration, repair and rebuilding that God has in store for each and every person. God wants to hold His creations again, to admire them, to love on them, God wants take His "clocks and vases" and polish them and shine them up because He wants to show off the beauty of His creation. He loves what He has made, He cherishes every piece! No "clock or vase" is hidden, He remembers every one He made. And even though some of them seem to be far from His reach looking from the other "clocks and vases" point of view. They are always but a Potter's Hand away from Him. He is the Maker and Rebuilder, the Creator and Repairer. He calls us to make a difference in their lives! Let us not stand by and watch other "clocks and vases" go off on these pointless and defeating roads as they seek a maker or repairer, but let us rise to the occasion as renewed, awakened and revived "clocks and vases" and point the way towards the one and only real Maker and Repairer; God!
Friday, November 12, 2010
Thursday, November 11, 2010
House Hunting...
House hunting is not easy, you will find tons of houses for sale or for rent in newspapers and online, but as you go and look at them, entering through the frontdoors and wandering about the rooms, one by one they just fall of your list. Too old, too ugly, too small or just too much work. They might have this one great feature, but then there are these 20 other features you don't like. Then you go through this reasoning with yourself...maybe I am too picky, maybe I should not have such a big list with wants and maybe just go with what I need, maybe...maybe...maybe. But deep in your heart you just want to enter this one house and know that you just arrived "home". A home that says, "Hey I am yours to work on, yours to make into your special place, yours to make me a place where peace and joy resounds off the walls and into the hearts of those that enter". Now to make a not to easy transition, but an important one...what if we are that house...and God is the one looking for a house to dwell in...what would He see and what would we do? First of all, God doesn't look at the outside, He looks at the inside...and on top of that He always looks with eyes of Vision and Possibility. No house is too old, to little, to ugly or to much work. He can work with any house that has it's frontdoor opened up. He wants to bring beautiful change; to re-mold, re-shape, add on, re-adjust and to bring life, peace and color into every room and space. To let the glory and essence of the "house" to shine forth from the inside-out. He wants more then anything to take each "house' and make them a "home". A home for Him to reside in, and for all other people to see that a house will always have the possibilty of becoming a home, no matter what condition it was in. Maybe your "house" ,in the natural or you as a person, never felt like "home", maybe you once felt it was a "home", but now it is just a "house". Invite God into your "house", put on the worship music, sing and pray aloud...I promise you that your "house" will start to feel like "home" as His presence surrounds you and your loved ones and because you openend up your frontdoor and invited God to come.
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Rock Bottom
I recently went through quit a rough time with myself and life. Eventually I was so tired and emotionally worn out I hit the bottom of my self...rock bottom.
What is hitting rock bottom? It is arriving at the very end of your abilities, capabilities, ideas or resources. When you hit this "rock bottom" you can feel empty, tired, lost, confused, maybe even without hope for change. Yes, I arrived there tired and crying out to God, I so desired a spiritual breakthrough but it seemed I was kicking against a 4 foot thick door and without a key to be able to open it. Have you ever felt this way? That you knew in the deepest part of yourself that there was so much more to experience with Jesus, but you seemed not to be able to experience it. Like there was a blockage, a wall, a ceiling, an ocean between you and your destiny and no boat in sight. I am preaching to the choir here, I was standing on the sands of self and was longing to be able to step on the Rock and have that firm foundation under me. Intensely desiring this and asking God to move on my behalf I received revelation from His hand that made me weep for joy. Somewhere along the way of my life, my Christian walk, God was able to lay a foundation in me, and when I hit Rock bottom I realized that God graced me with His Son. When I hit ROCK bottom I found myself standing on THE ROCK Jesus Christ. Hitting rock bottom can be the greatest thing that can happen to the Christian. At the end of self, Christ is there and He is the foundation for you to start building again, with Him, a sturdy vessel, anointed, filled and fully relying on Him. He will help you to pull up the walls that are as clear as glass, so you and others around will always be able to see the true foundation and reason for your ability to stand and remain standing in life. Rejoice if you hit rock bottom, because arriving at the end of yourself is arriving at Jesus feet.
What is hitting rock bottom? It is arriving at the very end of your abilities, capabilities, ideas or resources. When you hit this "rock bottom" you can feel empty, tired, lost, confused, maybe even without hope for change. Yes, I arrived there tired and crying out to God, I so desired a spiritual breakthrough but it seemed I was kicking against a 4 foot thick door and without a key to be able to open it. Have you ever felt this way? That you knew in the deepest part of yourself that there was so much more to experience with Jesus, but you seemed not to be able to experience it. Like there was a blockage, a wall, a ceiling, an ocean between you and your destiny and no boat in sight. I am preaching to the choir here, I was standing on the sands of self and was longing to be able to step on the Rock and have that firm foundation under me. Intensely desiring this and asking God to move on my behalf I received revelation from His hand that made me weep for joy. Somewhere along the way of my life, my Christian walk, God was able to lay a foundation in me, and when I hit Rock bottom I realized that God graced me with His Son. When I hit ROCK bottom I found myself standing on THE ROCK Jesus Christ. Hitting rock bottom can be the greatest thing that can happen to the Christian. At the end of self, Christ is there and He is the foundation for you to start building again, with Him, a sturdy vessel, anointed, filled and fully relying on Him. He will help you to pull up the walls that are as clear as glass, so you and others around will always be able to see the true foundation and reason for your ability to stand and remain standing in life. Rejoice if you hit rock bottom, because arriving at the end of yourself is arriving at Jesus feet.
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Brotherly love
I have an almost 3 year old son and an almost 9 month old son. My youngest has an enormous zeal for life, he already stands up by himself and loves to "walk" while you hold his hands. It makes me smile just to see his adventurous spirit, but my oldest wasn't quit ready for his brother to start crawling and browsing around. It makes for some interesting situations as my eldest screams "he is touching my toys" and my youngest contently sits with a toy to big to really play with. Many times a day... let me make that many MANY times a day my eldest has a time-out as we try to work through the "sharing stage" safely. I persist he must share...he persists aswell...in not wanting to share that is. Brotherly love can be a real stretch that is clear! This also applies to my (and your) brotherly or sisterly love with our fellow humans. We can be all "mature" in the Lord...or at least think we are mature when we meet up with a "baby" in Christ or an unbeliever and that maturity can fly out the window in no time. We have a hard time with having patience with them, we don't really want to share and we don't want them to touch our stuff. Boy, no "philadelphia" here. Brotherly love in it's truest form can really be a difficult experience at times. To take upon yourself the honorable role as big brother or sister isn't an easy one, but it is very rewarding though! As you will persevere with patience and love, allowing them to come closer to you as they learn how to stand on their own with Jesus Christ, you see a transformation take place. Giving them the oppertunity to "touch your stuff" like; revelation you received from the Lord, wisdom imparted from above, knowledge of the Word, experiences you had with the Holy Spirit, you become a precious part in the raising of a son or daughter of God. Let's embrace discipleship, not as a burden, but as a joy! Let's be the right example, let's examine our own lives to see how much we have to give in purity, truth, love, peace, patience, faith, blessing and so on. Let's share God's goodness with the people around us, let's be a true family, the family of God! And let's look around in our lives and ask ourselves; "who could I be a big brother or sister to"?
Sunday, August 8, 2010
Activate & Activate
The last days my family and our life had priority over blogging, but tonight I am able to sit and write a bit. I recently read this; "the Holy Spirit is not the do-er...but the helper". I really was struck by the simple truth found in these few words and how we often have expected the wrong things from the Holy Spirit.
How many times are we in need of help and do we ask God to come to our aid? And He does, He hears our cry and answers us. Jesus said to us that He would send the Helper, the Holy Spirit and He has been with us ever since. He is always nearby; He is one part of the Trinity amongst. us. We might ask help and then actually just wait around for the great endresult to come...the problem is that the Holy Spirit was never send to be the do-er, but to be a Helper. The Bible tells us not to just be a hearer of the Word but also to be a do-er. We are expected to be in motion ourselves, with help from the Holy Spirit to guide us in all things. He will give aid, instruction, direction and guidance, but He will walk along side of us, cheering us on as we walk in victory over our circumstances ourselves. If you are in need of some supernatural help, realize that that will be exactly what you will receive...HELP. Help to get you through things, help to keep on going, help to achieve the impossible, but that's what it will always will be...help. YOU can do all things through Christ who strengthens you and to experience victory (with help of the HS) will build you up and strengthen you in your faith. He will never leave you nor forsake you, that is a promise. He will always be with us even till the end of this age. What a blessing to know we have a Father in heaven who believes in us, who sees our potential, who knows what we are capable of and Who readily gives some support of we need it. Yes, ask the Holy Spirit to encourage you in your daily walk, to impart wisdom when it comes to making the right choices, to fill you with joy and peace in difficult times and to guide us unto the straight and narrow road. But be a do-er and let the Holy Spirit be your Helper.
How many times are we in need of help and do we ask God to come to our aid? And He does, He hears our cry and answers us. Jesus said to us that He would send the Helper, the Holy Spirit and He has been with us ever since. He is always nearby; He is one part of the Trinity amongst. us. We might ask help and then actually just wait around for the great endresult to come...the problem is that the Holy Spirit was never send to be the do-er, but to be a Helper. The Bible tells us not to just be a hearer of the Word but also to be a do-er. We are expected to be in motion ourselves, with help from the Holy Spirit to guide us in all things. He will give aid, instruction, direction and guidance, but He will walk along side of us, cheering us on as we walk in victory over our circumstances ourselves. If you are in need of some supernatural help, realize that that will be exactly what you will receive...HELP. Help to get you through things, help to keep on going, help to achieve the impossible, but that's what it will always will be...help. YOU can do all things through Christ who strengthens you and to experience victory (with help of the HS) will build you up and strengthen you in your faith. He will never leave you nor forsake you, that is a promise. He will always be with us even till the end of this age. What a blessing to know we have a Father in heaven who believes in us, who sees our potential, who knows what we are capable of and Who readily gives some support of we need it. Yes, ask the Holy Spirit to encourage you in your daily walk, to impart wisdom when it comes to making the right choices, to fill you with joy and peace in difficult times and to guide us unto the straight and narrow road. But be a do-er and let the Holy Spirit be your Helper.
Friday, August 6, 2010
May I introduce to you my pet Peeve(s)
The last time I checked my label it read; "made in heaven". Yes I am...born from above, reconnected with a Perfect God, washed and cleansed by the Word and inhabited by the Holy Spirit...I am blessed, graced with His Mercy and...I am also imperfect...with pet peeves. Who doesn't have pet peeves I would think, most people have at least one...or two..or even three. I sure do...let me bear my soul to you about my pet peeves;
1. dirty toilets - Numero uno on my list for sure!! I absolutely get grossed out by a dirty toilet...imagine being somewhere and you have a great time, everything looks nice, the food is fantastic and then you take a nessecary trip to miss "John"...and here we go...pieces of toilet paper strewn over the floor...dirty toiletbowl and/or seat, soggy towels, smudges on the mirrors and I am officially "peeved". I just can't stand it and in my own home even though it's not perfect, I sure am pretty picky about how my toilet looks and how clean it is.
2. The quality of food and the preparation of it. Ever since I worked in a butcher shop and a restaraunt kitchen I am (according to my mom) ruined when it comes to food. Ask Joyce my best friend or ask my husband, but I am very careful about the preparation of food, picky about the quality and get turned off easily (sorry). It has been the subject of jokes, reactions like raised eyebrowns and frowns, snorts and laughs. But I will tell you that no one ever got sick of my cooking, nor did I buy overprized or under quality food either :)
3. When words are spelled wrong...I don't know why but I may only glance at a sentence, a billboard, a text...but if something is spelled wrong it stands out like a sore thumb to me and most of the time I spot it right away...here are some "interesting" ones I have seen over the years;
stawberrie...instead of strawberry
busness...instead of business (it was on a "we are going out of business" sign in a window???)
flowr instead of flowers
bake goods instead of baked goods
and so on and so on...it is just sad to see that people just don't know how to spell words anymore and yes sometimes I am one of them aswell, how shocking hahaha!
Okay that were three of my pet peeves...I think they are the only three I have...or maybe the only ones I can think of right now hahahaha..anyway what I am trying to say is that I, the person with the pet peeve am imperfect...but so is the person that caused my pet peeve to arise. We are all imperfect! Just as I need to deal with my pet peeve in the best way I can, I need to have grace with the other person or help to improve the situation if I can. My pet peeves will not grow into an OCD or whatever you call it, my pet peeves are just part of my view of the world or how it should be and as long as it does not obstruct how I communicate/relate/associate with the world around me, I am okay. I would love for everyone to take their toilets serious, to keep them clean and germfree..to provide masses of toiletpaper and dry soft towels :) but that is my little bathroom utopia and most likely not to happen. all that the pet peeves should do is improve you or your life and transform you in an unforced example to others, they may follow your example...they may not, they may agree with your view or they may not.
I am happy with my pet peeves, just a sign that I am imperfect, live in an imperfect world and that I need my Perfect God to show me how to go unto perfection...I am glad to say; I am a work in progress on a road that is under contruction with some towering obstacle courses...but I have a map, the Bible, and a guide, the Holy Spirit and a companion and friend joining me and His name is Jesus. I am going to make it! You will too!!
1. dirty toilets - Numero uno on my list for sure!! I absolutely get grossed out by a dirty toilet...imagine being somewhere and you have a great time, everything looks nice, the food is fantastic and then you take a nessecary trip to miss "John"...and here we go...pieces of toilet paper strewn over the floor...dirty toiletbowl and/or seat, soggy towels, smudges on the mirrors and I am officially "peeved". I just can't stand it and in my own home even though it's not perfect, I sure am pretty picky about how my toilet looks and how clean it is.
2. The quality of food and the preparation of it. Ever since I worked in a butcher shop and a restaraunt kitchen I am (according to my mom) ruined when it comes to food. Ask Joyce my best friend or ask my husband, but I am very careful about the preparation of food, picky about the quality and get turned off easily (sorry). It has been the subject of jokes, reactions like raised eyebrowns and frowns, snorts and laughs. But I will tell you that no one ever got sick of my cooking, nor did I buy overprized or under quality food either :)
3. When words are spelled wrong...I don't know why but I may only glance at a sentence, a billboard, a text...but if something is spelled wrong it stands out like a sore thumb to me and most of the time I spot it right away...here are some "interesting" ones I have seen over the years;
stawberrie...instead of strawberry
busness...instead of business (it was on a "we are going out of business" sign in a window???)
flowr instead of flowers
bake goods instead of baked goods
and so on and so on...it is just sad to see that people just don't know how to spell words anymore and yes sometimes I am one of them aswell, how shocking hahaha!
Okay that were three of my pet peeves...I think they are the only three I have...or maybe the only ones I can think of right now hahahaha..anyway what I am trying to say is that I, the person with the pet peeve am imperfect...but so is the person that caused my pet peeve to arise. We are all imperfect! Just as I need to deal with my pet peeve in the best way I can, I need to have grace with the other person or help to improve the situation if I can. My pet peeves will not grow into an OCD or whatever you call it, my pet peeves are just part of my view of the world or how it should be and as long as it does not obstruct how I communicate/relate/associate with the world around me, I am okay. I would love for everyone to take their toilets serious, to keep them clean and germfree..to provide masses of toiletpaper and dry soft towels :) but that is my little bathroom utopia and most likely not to happen. all that the pet peeves should do is improve you or your life and transform you in an unforced example to others, they may follow your example...they may not, they may agree with your view or they may not.
I am happy with my pet peeves, just a sign that I am imperfect, live in an imperfect world and that I need my Perfect God to show me how to go unto perfection...I am glad to say; I am a work in progress on a road that is under contruction with some towering obstacle courses...but I have a map, the Bible, and a guide, the Holy Spirit and a companion and friend joining me and His name is Jesus. I am going to make it! You will too!!
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
The Pond
Have you ever seen a pond, a place where the water is not flowing or moving? If it rains the pond will steadily fill up and maybe even start to overflow. Everything looks greener and is refreshed. The fish will start to multiply and the pond will attract all kinds of animals and maybe even the occasional person. But as the rain stops and the days turn into weeks..the water level slowly drops. The foliage around the pond starts to become brown and the water starts to stink becoming murky as the bottom comes more and more in sight. When a full drought hits, the pond becomes dried up and empty, the mud turns into dust and all life in the pond dies...
There are many metaphores to refer to when it comes to being a believer and our life with God, I will just add one more. I believe we are also like a "pond", a place where water is desired, where we should want to be filled up and for the water to crest at our edges. As this "pond" we need water to revive everything in us and around us. To be refreshed when it rains and for life to thrive in us. Water in a pond doesn't move, it doesn't flow, it just is there giving life, quenching thirst for all the life in it and for the ones that come and drink from the water. We are always in desperate need of water, living water, God's life giving water. We should always be on the lookout not to become dry and for life in us to cease because of that. Our prayer should be daily, "Lord rain on me, send Your life giving water that it may refresh me and the people around me". That is such a cry of God's Heart, for us to be filled with His water of life, to be refreshed and to have this water to share with others that are thirsty and dry. It's my prayer for God to send His abundant rain to pour over your life and mine and to fill us up till we are filled to the max and overflowing.
There are many metaphores to refer to when it comes to being a believer and our life with God, I will just add one more. I believe we are also like a "pond", a place where water is desired, where we should want to be filled up and for the water to crest at our edges. As this "pond" we need water to revive everything in us and around us. To be refreshed when it rains and for life to thrive in us. Water in a pond doesn't move, it doesn't flow, it just is there giving life, quenching thirst for all the life in it and for the ones that come and drink from the water. We are always in desperate need of water, living water, God's life giving water. We should always be on the lookout not to become dry and for life in us to cease because of that. Our prayer should be daily, "Lord rain on me, send Your life giving water that it may refresh me and the people around me". That is such a cry of God's Heart, for us to be filled with His water of life, to be refreshed and to have this water to share with others that are thirsty and dry. It's my prayer for God to send His abundant rain to pour over your life and mine and to fill us up till we are filled to the max and overflowing.
Monday, August 2, 2010
The Art of not giving up
I am horrible at making cookies...don't ask me why. I can make a great pie, I can make cake...but I think I just about ruined every batch of cookies I ever tried to make, and I mean even the simple recipes...so most times I am thankful for the"just add water and an egg" mixes for cookies and smile and nod when people praise them...hahaha...now you know my little secret!! BUT I try to make cookies on a regular basis, I just want to be able to do it!! Maybe I will stumble upon a great chocolate chip recipe or maybe a sugar cookie recipe...I just love cookies even when they don't love me ;)
Ofcourse there are much bigger things in our life that challenge us! It can be a daily challenge that comes your way or a sporadic one, but they come to you to see what you are made of. Will you give up when that happens to often or will you push through?
Yes, not giving up is a great victory to have in your life! To stand strong in difficult circumstances because you lean on the Lord and not on yourself strengthens your character and deepens your faith! If you are faced with difficulties, don't give up!! You are never alone, the Lord is always with you! He will lead you through the valley and will help you walk up the mountain to reach it's top!
Be blessed in pressing on and to master the "art" of not giving up!
Ofcourse there are much bigger things in our life that challenge us! It can be a daily challenge that comes your way or a sporadic one, but they come to you to see what you are made of. Will you give up when that happens to often or will you push through?
Yes, not giving up is a great victory to have in your life! To stand strong in difficult circumstances because you lean on the Lord and not on yourself strengthens your character and deepens your faith! If you are faced with difficulties, don't give up!! You are never alone, the Lord is always with you! He will lead you through the valley and will help you walk up the mountain to reach it's top!
Be blessed in pressing on and to master the "art" of not giving up!
Sunday, August 1, 2010
P is for Passion
Isn't it the greatest thing to witness, when talking with someone else, they all of a sudden go from a pleasant conversation partner to this person that starts waving their hands and just glows with excitement, all because of their passion for the subject. I find it fascinating! I love it when my husband touches on a subject in our conversation and just transforms into a passionate advocate of it. (pure) passion is such an important factor to experience a "fulfilled" life. To have passion or zeal for life itself is a must to have. Maybe this wave of passion comes forth when you play music, speak about your family, talk about the latest book you read, when you share an awesome recipe with friends or just because you had the world's best nap. The point is to HAVE passion, whether it starts with the "smaller" things in life is not important, what is important is that you HAVE passion in your life. Something that gets you excited, that stirs you deeply; a God given passion. Don't let life pass you by being grey so to say, let is be full of color!
Explore the things that spark your passion, maybe there is so much more to do with it! I have known people that were able to nurture their passions and were able to develop it and let it grow into their fulfilling business or ministry. That would be awesome, but for people like me who stand at the threshold of such things, with big dreams and even greater passions, I just take it all one step at a time. Maybe you have a passion for something, I declare that when it comes forth out of purity and wholeness it is worthy of your attention. Explore, deepen, investigate, dream, nurture, grow and develop your passion and see that it will not only bless you, but also will bless many others aswell!!
Saturday, July 31, 2010
The new life
2 Corinthians 5:17; "Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation, old things have past away, behold, all things have become new".
Doesn't the beauty of new life bring joy! Who doesn't smile when they see pure white little lambs jumping in the meadow. But the little lambs age and within their journey of life they are also exposed to experiences like voilent weather and mud. As time progresses they become dirty and stained...
I am reminded of when I was dirty and stained, having only a faint memory of being pure and white and then I am reminded of the day I left my dirty and stained life, my "old man" behind at the cross, at Jesus's feet. I just laid it down and walked away, never looking back...
So many times I am confronted with people wanting to be "new", or even wanting to be in Christ, but they struggle because they never left that "old man" behind at the cross where they met Christ. The old patterns, lifestyle and ideas keep being a part of them. At times it weighs them down, makes them stumble in life and they are obstructed in experiencing true renewal. I think of my mom and how she used to tell me; "let go and be loosed". I found this out to be the truth. Letting go of my past and the old me with all the pain, stress, depression, hurts, dissapointments and loneliness, was the day I finally was able to truly stand up and breathe in deeply. I was released, freed and very very thankful.
To return to this being pure white again and to experience innocence is for so many people an impossible idea and yet it is freely offered by God. He gives you the chance to shed your past, to lay it all down and to embrace His newness, renewal and purity. He will give you a childlike innocence that demands your mature protection of it. To have the earnest desire to remain pure and to not allow the past things, situations or old mindsets to once again invade this precious world of renewal. It doesn't mean that your innocence is never challenged, but He knows this and He is always near. His arm is NEVER to short to save. He will give you the courage to stand for purity in your life and to stay "new" in Him. And that is the key, to stay IN Him, to stay close and connected to Him. He will never leave you nor forsake you, that is a promise I carry in my heart every day. No matter the challenge, I want to remain pure in heart, for they that remain pure in heart will see God.
Today I celebrate the "new" me and the "new" you!!
Doesn't the beauty of new life bring joy! Who doesn't smile when they see pure white little lambs jumping in the meadow. But the little lambs age and within their journey of life they are also exposed to experiences like voilent weather and mud. As time progresses they become dirty and stained...
I am reminded of when I was dirty and stained, having only a faint memory of being pure and white and then I am reminded of the day I left my dirty and stained life, my "old man" behind at the cross, at Jesus's feet. I just laid it down and walked away, never looking back...
So many times I am confronted with people wanting to be "new", or even wanting to be in Christ, but they struggle because they never left that "old man" behind at the cross where they met Christ. The old patterns, lifestyle and ideas keep being a part of them. At times it weighs them down, makes them stumble in life and they are obstructed in experiencing true renewal. I think of my mom and how she used to tell me; "let go and be loosed". I found this out to be the truth. Letting go of my past and the old me with all the pain, stress, depression, hurts, dissapointments and loneliness, was the day I finally was able to truly stand up and breathe in deeply. I was released, freed and very very thankful.
To return to this being pure white again and to experience innocence is for so many people an impossible idea and yet it is freely offered by God. He gives you the chance to shed your past, to lay it all down and to embrace His newness, renewal and purity. He will give you a childlike innocence that demands your mature protection of it. To have the earnest desire to remain pure and to not allow the past things, situations or old mindsets to once again invade this precious world of renewal. It doesn't mean that your innocence is never challenged, but He knows this and He is always near. His arm is NEVER to short to save. He will give you the courage to stand for purity in your life and to stay "new" in Him. And that is the key, to stay IN Him, to stay close and connected to Him. He will never leave you nor forsake you, that is a promise I carry in my heart every day. No matter the challenge, I want to remain pure in heart, for they that remain pure in heart will see God.
Today I celebrate the "new" me and the "new" you!!
Friday, July 30, 2010
When Patience becomes a virtue
If you are raising children, or grandchildren, the word patience takes on a whole new meaning. In the beginning, especially with your firstborn, when you are a "novice" you have the patience the size of the Himalaya mountain...but as time progresses and the raising is in progress...you find that all this needing of your patience is chipping away at your mountain and the amount of patience you seem to own becomes less and less. Well, that's what I discovered in my own life, so I needed to make some changes, beginning with me. So I pondered on the phrase "patience is a virtue" and I wondered after all this time...what exactly is a virtue. I looked it up in the Webster's Dictionary and saw that virtue is a special kind of goodness...a special kind. Not ordinary, or easy to come by...but valued and treasured...special. A patience that becomes a virtue in your life is a patience that grew with you, that went through seasons and aged, that saw and learned, a patience that looks at the bigger picture not always at the small details...a true virtue, a true special kind of goodness. We can be amazed at how virteous God is, how He bestows such mercy and grace on our lives, how much patience He has with us, what a special kind of goodness it truly is and to understand that He supplies a never ending supply of patience to us. To believe we boldly can come before Him and ask Him to help us to mature this patience in our lives until it reflects some of His patience for us. How I want to rejoice in the times of seasoning and maturing to know what a blessed virtue it will become and that I may be able to give this to the people around me; my husband, my children, my family, friends, strangers and even in my own life. Yes Lord, let patience become a virtue in my life and help me to rejoice in the growing experience. To see the bigger picture of applying this patience and not to get hung up on small details that prevent me from freely giving out this special kind of goodness.
Thursday, July 29, 2010
When budgets are made
Aha...finally a great solution to decreasing debt, control spending and having more oversight on ones finances...a BUDGET. Yes, we, Andrew and I, have had a "budget lifestyle" for as long as I can remember and it has been a blessing throughout the years. Just to know what you have, what you spend and what you have left is a great knowledge in this busy life. So, I had made a budget for august, all nice and orderly...and then Andrew prayed and God said to him to give a gift to someone.."there goes my budget for august" was my first thought...right after that my second thought was" wow...did I just think that, forgive me lord and help me to crucify my flesh". Isn't that how it often is, we think we have everything organized...all of our ducks in a row and here comes God and it seems He messes everything up....but actually He is setting you up for great blessings and He gently points out some flaws in your character along the way. Yes, continue to budget your time and your finances, there is nothing wrong with structure and oversight...but be ready to be flexibel when God comes and directs some changes in your budget so it will reflect His budget for the week or month..maybe even your life. Have a blessed day!!
What makes a house a home?
What makes a house a home? A few days ago someone said to me; I really like your house, it feels so homy, you know when you walk into a house when it is a "home" and this is one of them". Ofcourse a great compliment to receive, and I receive it!! But it made me think about what it is that turns a house into a home...or what the difference is. I believe it isn't just the furnishings in a house, though it sure helps...I think it is more the atmosphere in the house that makes it a "home". If there is harmony, peace and love between the people that live in the house, you experience that when you walk in the house...and most importantly, if Jesus is lifted up in the house as Lord, the house is filled with His goodness and life. How we need to be aware of the houses that do not resound "home" when we walk in. To pray for the people that live there and that are exposed to this environement day in and day outbecause they are angry, bitter, depressed, without God, sad, broken, or feel unloved. How I want to be able to be an instrument for the Lord to change these houses into homes. And to have a house myself that is a real home to my family, a haven for the restless and needy and a place of pure fellowship and true restoration. As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord!
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Bloom where you are planted
This is a sign I have hanging on one of our walls in the house. Looks pretty doesn't it, but what does it mean to "bloom, where you are planted", honestly the more I ponder on this the more I realize that to "bloom where you are planted" is sure a wise thing to do but sometimes a difficult one. First of all we need to accept that we are planted in a place and that the place where we are planted is a place where we can bloom. There have been times where I wasn't happy about the place I was, where I really just wanted to be somewhere else. A place I definitly didn't want to bloom, or maybe thought I couldn't bloom. And yet the sign says; Bloom where you are planted, not a command, suggestion or idea, but a promise. The promise that there is possibility to bloom, that there is a way to be found for you to bloom even in the places you think you can't. Imagine that!!! Lord, thank you for the promise, please let me bloom in the place where I am planted right now, make my roots go deep and let my flowers be big, bright and sweet smelling, for the people around me to see and enjoy!
The garden of my soul Blog
Why did I call my blog ; "the garden of my soul" you might wonder...well I have thought about this name for quit some time. I believe our soul is the keeper of our creativity, our ideas, our thoughts and many other things, they all sprout forth from this "ground", it is what we allow to be put in the ground, the seeds, that will prove itself in harvest-time. I love to think, I ponder life and the value of what I spend my time on. I know there is so much more inside of me that I want to realize and allow to bloom. Today I just realized that I need and want change, a deep change in me. I want to be the best wife, mother, daughter, sister and friend I can be, reflecting Christ in all of these. So as I start this Blog and pursue this "changed" life I invite you to join me on this journey. And as we talk about things like family, faith, life, creativity and so much more, it is my prayer and hope that you would experience a beautiful change aswell.
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