Saturday, July 31, 2010

The new life

2 Corinthians 5:17; "Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation, old things have past away, behold, all things have become new".

Doesn't the beauty of new life bring joy! Who doesn't smile when they see pure white little lambs jumping in the meadow. But the little lambs age and within their journey of life they are also exposed to experiences like voilent weather and mud. As time progresses they become dirty and stained...

I am reminded of when I was dirty and stained, having only a faint memory of being pure and white and then I am reminded of the day I left my dirty and stained life, my "old man" behind at the cross, at Jesus's feet. I just laid it down and walked away, never looking back...

So many times I am confronted with people wanting to be "new", or even wanting to be in Christ, but they struggle because they never left that "old man" behind at the cross where they met Christ. The old patterns, lifestyle and ideas keep being a part of them. At times it weighs them down, makes them stumble in life and they are obstructed in experiencing true renewal. I think of my mom and how she used to tell me; "let go and be loosed". I found this out to be the truth. Letting go of my past and the old me with all the pain, stress, depression, hurts, dissapointments and loneliness, was the day I finally was able to truly stand up and breathe in deeply. I was released, freed and very very thankful.

To return to this being pure white again and to experience innocence is for so many people an impossible idea and yet it is freely offered by God. He gives you the chance to shed your past, to lay it all down and to embrace His newness, renewal and purity. He will give you a childlike innocence that demands your mature protection of it. To have the earnest desire to remain pure and to not allow the past things, situations or old mindsets to once again invade this precious world of renewal. It doesn't mean that your innocence is never challenged, but He knows this and He is always near. His arm is NEVER to short to save. He will give you the courage to stand for purity in your life and to stay "new" in Him. And that is the key, to stay IN Him, to stay close and connected to Him. He will never leave you nor forsake you, that is a promise I carry in my heart every day. No matter the challenge, I want to remain pure in heart, for they that remain pure in heart will see God.

Today I celebrate the "new" me and the "new" you!!

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