Thursday, July 29, 2010

What makes a house a home?

What makes a house a home? A few days ago someone said to me; I really like your house, it feels so homy, you know when you walk into a house when it is a "home" and this is one of them". Ofcourse a great compliment to receive, and I receive it!! But it made me think about what it is that turns a house into a home...or what the difference is. I believe it isn't just the furnishings in a house, though it sure helps...I think it is more the atmosphere in the house that makes it a "home". If there is harmony, peace and love between the people that live in the house, you experience that when you walk in the house...and most importantly, if Jesus is lifted up in the house as Lord, the house is filled with His goodness and life. How we need to be aware of the houses that do not resound "home" when we walk in. To pray for the people that live there and that are exposed to this environement day in and day outbecause they are angry, bitter, depressed, without God, sad, broken, or feel unloved. How I want to be able to be an instrument for the Lord to change these houses into homes. And to have a house myself that is a real home to my family, a haven for the restless and needy and a place of pure fellowship and true restoration. As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord!

1 comment:

  1. lovely. "a house is made by brick and stone, but a home is made with love alone!"
