Have you ever seen a pond, a place where the water is not flowing or moving? If it rains the pond will steadily fill up and maybe even start to overflow. Everything looks greener and is refreshed. The fish will start to multiply and the pond will attract all kinds of animals and maybe even the occasional person. But as the rain stops and the days turn into weeks..the water level slowly drops. The foliage around the pond starts to become brown and the water starts to stink becoming murky as the bottom comes more and more in sight. When a full drought hits, the pond becomes dried up and empty, the mud turns into dust and all life in the pond dies...
There are many metaphores to refer to when it comes to being a believer and our life with God, I will just add one more. I believe we are also like a "pond", a place where water is desired, where we should want to be filled up and for the water to crest at our edges. As this "pond" we need water to revive everything in us and around us. To be refreshed when it rains and for life to thrive in us. Water in a pond doesn't move, it doesn't flow, it just is there giving life, quenching thirst for all the life in it and for the ones that come and drink from the water. We are always in desperate need of water, living water, God's life giving water. We should always be on the lookout not to become dry and for life in us to cease because of that. Our prayer should be daily, "Lord rain on me, send Your life giving water that it may refresh me and the people around me". That is such a cry of God's Heart, for us to be filled with His water of life, to be refreshed and to have this water to share with others that are thirsty and dry. It's my prayer for God to send His abundant rain to pour over your life and mine and to fill us up till we are filled to the max and overflowing.
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