Sunday, August 8, 2010

Activate & Activate

The last days my family and our life had priority over blogging, but tonight I am able to sit and write a bit. I recently read this; "the Holy Spirit is not the do-er...but the helper". I really was struck by the simple truth found in these few words and how we often have expected the wrong things from the Holy Spirit.

How many times are we in need of help and do we ask God to come to our aid? And He does, He hears our cry and answers us. Jesus said to us that He would send the Helper, the Holy Spirit and He has been with us ever since. He is always nearby; He is one part of the Trinity amongst. us. We might ask help and then actually just wait around for the great endresult to come...the problem is that the Holy Spirit was never send to be the do-er, but to be a Helper. The Bible tells us not to just be a hearer of the Word but also to be a do-er. We are expected to be in motion ourselves, with help from the Holy Spirit to guide us in all things. He will give aid, instruction, direction and guidance, but He will walk along side of us, cheering us on as we walk in victory over our circumstances ourselves. If you are in need of some supernatural help, realize that that will be exactly what you will receive...HELP. Help to get you through things, help to keep on going, help to achieve the impossible, but that's what it will always will YOU can do all things through Christ who strengthens you and to experience victory (with help of the HS) will build you up and strengthen you in your faith. He will never leave you nor forsake you, that is a promise. He will always be with us even till the end of this age. What a blessing to know we have a Father in heaven who believes in us, who sees our potential, who knows what we are capable of and Who readily gives some support of we need it. Yes, ask the Holy Spirit to encourage you in your daily walk, to impart wisdom when it comes to making the right choices, to fill you with joy and peace in difficult times and to guide us unto the straight and narrow road. But be a do-er and let the Holy Spirit be your Helper.

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