Today I was cutting up fabric for some sewing projects and always when I am quietly busy my thoughts wander, I think of people, things, and I process thoughts. Today was no different and I was thinking deeply about loving someone and what that all involves. I was thinking about people and the pressures of life, the effects that it has on them and their loved ones around them. I came to the point (in my thoughts) about how we should deal with loved ones when they are in trouble, how (if at all) would you approach this...
Just as a side note; I myself was a heavy heavy smoker for many years, tried drugs but wasn't impressed with that, I had an alchohol problem bordering on addiction. I would drink a whole bottle of wine, by myself on a weekday evening, because I was bored and depressed. I dabbled with many occult things etc etc... I could go on with stories, let's just say I wasn't only a witness to these things, but actually was involved in it myself. BUT,and it is a big one, after realizing the pit I was in and I cried out for help I received help. With the help of JESUS I got out of the mess I was in and He restored the mess I was! Just admitting you need help wheter it is to God or someone you know is the best start to recover. And sometimes, more often then you think, to tell someone in trouble you will give them the help and support they need is the rescue they waited for. Love someone beyond their problems and sins, love them all the way to redemption and restoration!
So (because of what I have experienced) I come to the conclusing; and I say this with a passionate fierceness, when you have seen, witnessed or know about a loved one being in trouble (or maybe it is you yourself), YOU SPEAK OUT!! You absolutely, positively address it, in LOVE and with heartfelt concern, and you NEVER EVER just stand by and silently watch your loved one be destroyed. They are DECEIVED to the max, and YOU know this!! There is no excuse to never try to help, give advice, share your concern or point out the problem. If you cannot do it by yourself seek support, but do not hide the truth of their situation.
I, first hand, dealt with many addicts, drug and alchohol. I recognize the signs and the effects when I talk to people. I knew several people dealing with pornography problems. I used to work in a bar/biljart centre, trust me I have seen the effects of alchohol and the reality of drunks. My (then) boss was one of them. I have dealt with people that were pathological liars, mostly because they were addicts, but some just because they had a problem with the reality of their lives and themselves. All addicts say they have no problem, that it isn't THAT bad, that they can stop it any time they want, that they are in control. Reality (I am using this word a lot, I know) is the destruction they allowed in their lives and the effect of it on lives around them because of their behavior and decisions under this influence. Reality is their ever getting skinnier bodies, ravaged because they are not eating enough anymore (alchohol and drugs trick your brain), the gaunt look in their eyes, the sunken eyes and portuding cheekbones, the nervousness they display, the ease of denying the truth, the way they stand, walk and talk, de depression in their expression, smooth talkers if they want to be, but it is a desperate attempt in showing they still have controle over their mind. Wow I am on a roll here...I am sure some who will read this will be disregarding what I am saying or maybe get offended, that's know me, just contact me, let's talk, maybe I can help...seriously I would! If you read this and you are in trouble, this is the Lord telling you you are NOT ALONE and their is a way out of the mess! I will help, support, get help for you, whatever you need, just be honest about the place you are at and be serious of wanting to get out and be whole again! A better life is awaiting you on the other side of repentance and facing your current state. You moved far away from God, but He is near to those in need, and His arm is never too short to SAVE! He loves you and so do I!!
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