Tuesday, August 23, 2011

When you truly love someone...

Today I was cutting up fabric for some sewing projects and always when I am quietly busy my thoughts wander, I think of people, things, and I process thoughts. Today was no different and I was thinking deeply about loving someone and what that all involves. I was thinking about people and the pressures of life, the effects that it has on them and their loved ones around them. I came to the point (in my thoughts) about how we should deal with loved ones when they are in trouble, how (if at all) would you approach this...
Just as a side note; I myself was a heavy heavy smoker for many years, tried drugs but wasn't impressed with that, I had an alchohol problem bordering on addiction. I would drink a whole bottle of wine, by myself on a weekday evening, because I was bored and depressed. I dabbled with many occult things etc etc... I could go on with stories, let's just say I wasn't only a witness to these things, but actually was involved in it myself. BUT,and it is a big one, after realizing the pit I was in and I cried out for help I received help. With the help of JESUS I got out of the mess I was in and He restored the mess I was! Just admitting you need help wheter it is to God or someone you know is the best start to recover. And sometimes, more often then you think, to tell someone in trouble you will give them the help and support they need is the rescue they waited for. Love someone beyond their problems and sins, love them all the way to redemption and restoration!
So (because of what I have experienced) I come to the conclusing; and I say this with a passionate fierceness, when you have seen, witnessed or know about a loved one being in trouble (or maybe it is you yourself), YOU SPEAK OUT!! You absolutely, positively address it, in LOVE and with heartfelt concern, and you NEVER EVER just stand by and silently watch your loved one be destroyed. They are DECEIVED to the max, and YOU know this!! There is no excuse to never try to help, give advice, share your concern or point out the problem. If you cannot do it by yourself seek support, but do not hide the truth of their situation.
I, first hand, dealt with many addicts, drug and alchohol. I recognize the signs and the effects when I talk to people. I knew several people dealing with pornography problems. I used to work in a bar/biljart centre, trust me I have seen the effects of alchohol and the reality of drunks. My (then) boss was one of them. I have dealt with people that were pathological liars, mostly because they were addicts, but some just because they had a problem with the reality of their lives and themselves. All addicts say they have no problem, that it isn't THAT bad, that they can stop it any time they want, that they are in control. Reality (I am using this word a lot, I know) is the destruction they allowed in their lives and the effect of it on lives around them because of their behavior and decisions under this influence. Reality is their ever getting skinnier bodies, ravaged because they are not eating enough anymore (alchohol and drugs trick your brain), the gaunt look in their eyes, the sunken eyes and portuding cheekbones, the nervousness they display, the ease of denying the truth, the way they stand, walk and talk, de depression in their expression, smooth talkers if they want to be, but it is a desperate attempt in showing they still have controle over their mind. Wow I am on a roll here...I am sure some who will read this will be disregarding what I am saying or maybe get offended, that's okay...you know me, just contact me, let's talk, maybe I can help...seriously I would! If you read this and you are in trouble, this is the Lord telling you you are NOT ALONE and their is a way out of the mess! I will help, support, get help for you, whatever you need, just be honest about the place you are at and be serious of wanting to get out and be whole again! A better life is awaiting you on the other side of repentance and facing your current state. You moved far away from God, but He is near to those in need, and His arm is never too short to SAVE! He loves you and so do I!!

Friday, March 11, 2011

The REAL Disaster

Most of the planet woke up either running for their lives or seeing images on tv of people running for their lives because of the earthquake in Japan and the tsunami that is following in various places. So many lives lost and what a great disaster. In these dark times we Christians need to continu to shine His Light and to point to Jesus as the Anker of Hope and the Rock that gives us a firm foundation when storms and difficult times come our way. Amidst all of the bad reports and even all of the people speaking about the "end times", we should remember that the MOST important thing we Christians could do right now is to be an instrument for God to speak and work through and to reach the lost and fearful ones. Yes, there will be trials and tribulations and there are many, yes MANY people who live in fear and anxiety about what the future holds. But that shouldn't be you! When you accepted Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, your future changed in an instant. Your spirit was made alive to God and from that day on you have had the oppertunity to build your relationship with Him. To thank Him, praise Him, worship Him, love Him, Bless Him, Exalt Him, allow Him to do great things through you and when you die you will stand face to face with Him and you shall not fear that moment! But for now there is a great work for all of us to fulfill. For us to be rooted in Jesus Christ, to stand firm when storms come to this world and to continu to shine His light and speak of His love to whoever will hear! The greatest disaster would be that we; that call ourselves Christians stop speaking to others about Jesus being our eternal Hope and Savior, when we ourselves have fear and anxiety for the future and when we stop shining His Light in the darkness. The greatest disaster is when there seems to be no hope for the Lost, the ones wandering in the darkness and live in fear. That to me is the greatest disaster. I know that we can reach so many out there. In difficult and confusing times like this when mankind is looking for answers to hard questions, for hope amidst hopelessness and peace amidst of chaos, we have a duty, an obligation, a calling and an opportunity to reach them, to speak of hope and truth and life to so many, to connect or even reconnect people with their Maker and give an eternal Hope. Let's stir up the desire to reach the fearful, the restless ones, to reach the lost. Let's think back to what we experienced ourselves when we were transferred from the kingdom of darkness to The Kingdom of Light through Jesus Christ and how it changed and impacted us. Let's spread this hope and life to the people around us. In these dark times, give the best gift you could ever give to someone else; Jesus Christ!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Walking Backwards

Do you remember as a child how much fun it was to discover you actually were able to walk backwards. I remember...the greatest magicless trick ever!! I would walk and walk and all of a sudden make a jump and turn in the air and continue to walk...and now I was walking backwards ofcourse..so cool..until you fell flat on your buttocks because you bumped into something or step next to the curb...see that's the problem with walking backwards...you have a great view of what is in front of you... in this case the last steps you made and the places you passed by. But because you have no eyes in the back of your head but you are moving in that direction their is no guidance or clarity of where to keep walking to remain safe from falling or stumbling...and so you fall or loose your balance. isn't that how we sometimes live? We have our eyes on the past things...oh it seems we are moving "forward" and for a little bit we do, but we are tricking ourselves. To walk the road this way will bring you only so far and even can be dangerous if you fall. I guess it is just another new way from the devil to bring an illusion of growth and the ability to "move forward" in our lives. Because there is "forward" motion we think we are okay, but because we are focussing on past things, experiences and even the road we walked before we are not looking ahead to see WHERE exactly the Lord wants us to place the next "step"...we are just plowing on with bent backs and eyes fixed the wrong way. We won't go far this way and maybe even step wrong, loose our balance in life or fall and hurt ourselves. Is this you? Do you have a genuine desire to move forward with the Lord, but you still keep your eyes on the past...just something about the feeling of being able to walk backwards keeps you walking this way..."look at me Dad I am walking backwards..I am not standing still, I am moving forward"...

The truth is: We NEED to turn around, to stop walking backwards, to pause our unbalanced steps, to jump and turn around and truly FACE the future, closing the books on the past, literally turning our backs to it and gaze onward, fully aware of how the road looks and where the potholes and stumbling blocks of life are on the road. (You know...funny thing about potholes and stumblingblocks, even though you see them and you can easily steer clear from them...you can still also decide to hit the spots. It all comes down to making the right decisions in life; daily, weekly and maybe even hourly!) God wants to shine His Light on the road, illuminate the steps ahead of you in this sometimes darkened world we travel in. He wants you to be able to walk balanced on the straight and narrow road and reach your destinations, and He will be your travelcompanion all the way!

Let's look forward, step forward and move forward with Him, because of Him and for Him.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

The depth

I have a painting in my livingroom with a text, it reads; "it is not the length of life, but the depth of life". Often I read it and ponder over the words. To let the truth of those words go deeper in my heart and soul. To not get caught up with all the wants and needs that this world may bring about in our hearts, but to focus on the depth of life in the days I have on this earth and to make them count. I love you Jesus and I want to be close to you. To understand with my spirit this depth that You have to offer. To be able to turn my back on fleshly longings and to embrace Your Beauty and Truth with no regrets, but completely and totally. Draw me closer Lord, and as deep calls unto deep, may I answer you and come near to You.

Friday, January 7, 2011

Life through His eyes, the REAL balance we need

So often I am reminded of how the enemy, and yes I mean the devil, throws dust in our eyes and tries to disguise reality by giving it a different "cover". These things seem; okay, nice, good, genuine, not offensive, colorful, lively, loving, maybe even truthful and their guidance leads you right onto that broad street where there is distraction upon distraction and Jesus stands in the distance interceding for your very life as you move away further and further, caught up in "things". I am telling you today as one snatched from the fire and transferred from the kingdom of darkness into the Kingdom of Light, there is NOTHING that matters more then living your life to the fullest within the revelation of Jesus Christ, the Son of God! To dedicate your voice, eyes, arms and ears, your very spirit, soul and body to praising and worshipping your Maker and Creator and to show the way to the other lost, weary and blindsided fellow travelers on this road called life. The Bible instructs us to WAKE UP sleepers, we are to put on the ARMOR of GOD as we are born into a world at war. Life can be lovely, sweet, precious and pleasant at times, but the reality is that when you accepted Jesus into your heart and life you became a soldier in His army, a soldier in a battle for lives and souls; the lives and souls of maybe your own brother, sister, mother, father, uncle, aunt, friend, collegue and even strangers. Truly, truly; Test all things when they come your way, not everything "good" is God! Do your research, dive deep, go to the roots of the things because there you find the true origen, look at the fruit and what it does/did for the ones that went for it before you. If it leads you away from the Truth of God Almighty, when it distracts you from His Truth or when it makes you compromise God's Truth it is NOT God or godly! It is NOT what you want to let take root into your life! It will not bring you closer to Him, only further away and by the time you realize this you might be decades away, miles away, three times round the steep mountain paths, down to the bottom of the pit...is it really worth that? I have been in these places and experienced these detours and do not want to lose precious time any longer because of these distractions! I want to see life through His eyes and have Jesus as the balance in my life.
I have been struck by the audacity of the devil, the places he sticks up his ugly head and what he dares to touch, but even more so struck at the ease people were fooled into believing that it was "okay" and the whole WWJD (What Would Jesus Do) really becomes more of a side note. Today I challenge myself and you dear reader to look at your life, the things you busy yourself with, the things that you have let enter your daily life, emotionally, physically and spiritually and really pray about it to find out what God thinks about it. To research it with your Bible to read and find out what God says about these things or as you have found the roots, what God says about these roots and to repent and lay it down if it goes against Him and His Word, to remove it from your life and to embrace the PURE, the HOLY, the CLEAN and LIFEGIVING that God has for you and your life. Our everlasting and loving Father is calling us to be seperate unto Him, to be able to know His Heart and to write His Truth on the tablets of our hearts, to surrender to His Leading and to follow Him wholly all the days of our lives. Do not be fooled by the devil, do not compromise, but dare to life your life for Him, completely and utterly, devoted and dedicated. To stand up for Christ and to not be afraid to say NO to the things that the prince of this world has to offer. I want Jesus and Him alone! For me to abide in Him as He abides in me. I believe you do too!!