Saturday, July 31, 2010

The new life

2 Corinthians 5:17; "Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation, old things have past away, behold, all things have become new".

Doesn't the beauty of new life bring joy! Who doesn't smile when they see pure white little lambs jumping in the meadow. But the little lambs age and within their journey of life they are also exposed to experiences like voilent weather and mud. As time progresses they become dirty and stained...

I am reminded of when I was dirty and stained, having only a faint memory of being pure and white and then I am reminded of the day I left my dirty and stained life, my "old man" behind at the cross, at Jesus's feet. I just laid it down and walked away, never looking back...

So many times I am confronted with people wanting to be "new", or even wanting to be in Christ, but they struggle because they never left that "old man" behind at the cross where they met Christ. The old patterns, lifestyle and ideas keep being a part of them. At times it weighs them down, makes them stumble in life and they are obstructed in experiencing true renewal. I think of my mom and how she used to tell me; "let go and be loosed". I found this out to be the truth. Letting go of my past and the old me with all the pain, stress, depression, hurts, dissapointments and loneliness, was the day I finally was able to truly stand up and breathe in deeply. I was released, freed and very very thankful.

To return to this being pure white again and to experience innocence is for so many people an impossible idea and yet it is freely offered by God. He gives you the chance to shed your past, to lay it all down and to embrace His newness, renewal and purity. He will give you a childlike innocence that demands your mature protection of it. To have the earnest desire to remain pure and to not allow the past things, situations or old mindsets to once again invade this precious world of renewal. It doesn't mean that your innocence is never challenged, but He knows this and He is always near. His arm is NEVER to short to save. He will give you the courage to stand for purity in your life and to stay "new" in Him. And that is the key, to stay IN Him, to stay close and connected to Him. He will never leave you nor forsake you, that is a promise I carry in my heart every day. No matter the challenge, I want to remain pure in heart, for they that remain pure in heart will see God.

Today I celebrate the "new" me and the "new" you!!

Friday, July 30, 2010

When Patience becomes a virtue

If you are raising children, or grandchildren, the word patience takes on a whole new meaning. In the beginning, especially with your firstborn, when you are a "novice" you have the patience the size of the Himalaya mountain...but as time progresses and the raising is in find that all this needing of your patience is chipping away at your mountain and the amount of patience you seem to own becomes less and less. Well, that's what I discovered in my own life, so I needed to make some changes, beginning with me. So I pondered on the phrase "patience is a virtue" and I wondered after all this time...what exactly is a virtue. I looked it up in the Webster's Dictionary and saw that virtue is a special kind of goodness...a special kind. Not ordinary, or easy to come by...but valued and treasured...special. A patience that becomes a virtue in your life is a patience that grew with you, that went through seasons and aged, that saw and learned, a patience that looks at the bigger picture not always at the small details...a true virtue, a true special kind of goodness. We can be amazed at how virteous God is, how He bestows such mercy and grace on our lives, how much patience He has with us, what a special kind of goodness it truly is and to understand that He supplies a never ending supply of patience to us. To believe we boldly can come before Him and ask Him to help us to mature this patience in our lives until it reflects some of His patience for us. How I want to rejoice in the times of seasoning and maturing to know what a blessed virtue it will become and that I may be able to give this to the people around me; my husband, my children, my family, friends, strangers and even in my own life. Yes Lord, let patience become a virtue in my life and help me to rejoice in the growing experience. To see the bigger picture of applying this patience and not to get hung up on small details that prevent me from freely giving out this special kind of goodness.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

When budgets are made

Aha...finally a great solution to decreasing debt, control spending and having more oversight on ones finances...a BUDGET. Yes, we, Andrew and I, have had a "budget lifestyle" for as long as I can remember and it has been a blessing throughout the years. Just to know what you have, what you spend and what you have left is a great knowledge in this busy life. So, I had made a budget for august, all nice and orderly...and then Andrew prayed and God said to him to give a gift to someone.."there goes my budget for august" was my first thought...right after that my second thought was" wow...did I just think that, forgive me lord and help me to crucify my flesh". Isn't that how it often is, we think we have everything organized...all of our ducks in a row and here comes God and it seems He messes everything up....but actually He is setting you up for great blessings and He gently points out some flaws in your character along the way. Yes, continue to budget your time and your finances, there is nothing wrong with structure and oversight...but be ready to be flexibel when God comes and directs some changes in your budget so it will reflect His budget for the week or month..maybe even your life. Have a blessed day!!

What makes a house a home?

What makes a house a home? A few days ago someone said to me; I really like your house, it feels so homy, you know when you walk into a house when it is a "home" and this is one of them". Ofcourse a great compliment to receive, and I receive it!! But it made me think about what it is that turns a house into a home...or what the difference is. I believe it isn't just the furnishings in a house, though it sure helps...I think it is more the atmosphere in the house that makes it a "home". If there is harmony, peace and love between the people that live in the house, you experience that when you walk in the house...and most importantly, if Jesus is lifted up in the house as Lord, the house is filled with His goodness and life. How we need to be aware of the houses that do not resound "home" when we walk in. To pray for the people that live there and that are exposed to this environement day in and day outbecause they are angry, bitter, depressed, without God, sad, broken, or feel unloved. How I want to be able to be an instrument for the Lord to change these houses into homes. And to have a house myself that is a real home to my family, a haven for the restless and needy and a place of pure fellowship and true restoration. As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord!

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Bloom where you are planted

This is a sign I have hanging on one of our walls in the house. Looks pretty doesn't it, but what does it mean to "bloom, where you are planted", honestly the more I ponder on this the more I realize that to "bloom where you are planted" is sure a wise thing to do but sometimes a difficult one. First of all we need to accept that we are planted in a place and that the place where we are planted is a place where we can bloom. There have been times where I wasn't happy about the place I was, where I really just wanted to be somewhere else. A place I definitly didn't want to bloom, or maybe thought I couldn't bloom. And yet the sign says; Bloom where you are planted, not a command, suggestion or idea, but a promise. The promise that there is possibility to bloom, that there is a way to be found for you to bloom even in the places you think you can't. Imagine that!!! Lord, thank you for the promise, please let me bloom in the place where I am planted right now, make my roots go deep and let my flowers be big, bright and sweet smelling, for the people around me to see and enjoy!

The garden of my soul Blog

Why did I call my blog ; "the garden of my soul" you might wonder...well I have thought about this name for quit some time. I believe our soul is the keeper of our creativity, our ideas, our thoughts and many other things, they all sprout forth from this "ground", it is what we allow to be put in the ground, the seeds, that will prove itself in harvest-time. I love to think, I ponder life and the value of what I spend my time on. I know there is so much more inside of me that I want to realize and allow to bloom. Today I just realized that I need and want change, a deep change in me. I want to be the best wife, mother, daughter, sister and friend I can be, reflecting Christ in all of these. So as I start this Blog and pursue this "changed" life I invite you to join me on this journey. And as we talk about things like family, faith, life, creativity and so much more, it is my prayer and hope that you would experience a beautiful change aswell.